Capstone poster
Here is the poster which I made as part of the Capstone requirement. It will be posted on the music technology bulletin board in the UBC...
Standing Wave
A piece of mine is being played by Standing Wave in exactly one week. #standingwave #concert #contemporaryartmusic #MichaelKirchmayer
Audio Compressor
Well... I've decided to build an audio compressor for my Capstone project. Here is a schematic of said audio compressor.
The new capstone blog - Fall 2019
Hello, This is my new blog which will be specifically on the topic of my capstone project at UBC.
New dark ambient piece
New dark ambient piece featuring violin by Boris Ulanowicz. <---Click here to listen. #darkambient #violin #electroacoustic...
Final mix of recent piece for string quartet.
Here is the final mix of my most recent piece for string quartet. Very pleased with this. #contemporaryclassical #chambermusic...
I made a piece of video art this morning to accompany Enter the Void - Part I. Its my first piece of
Enter the Void - Part I by Michael Kirchmayer #videoart #music #EntertheVoid #MichaelKirchmayer #spectral #chambermusic...